

单词 Embryo
释义 胚胎
A fertilised human ovum: In the Marriage of A & B (1989) 13 Fam LR 798, 99 FLR 171. An embryo becomes a foetus when the process of development ends and the organs are formed. In Hong Kong, certain dealings with the embryo are prohibited by the Human Reproductive Technology Ordinance (Cap 561) s 15. A child born of an artificial conception procedure, such as the implantation of an embryo in the body of woman, is deemed in certain circumstances to be a child of that woman and of the other party to the marriage: Parent and Child Ordinance (Cap 429) ss 9, 10. See also Abortion; Artificial conception; Foetus; Marital relationship.
已受精的人類卵細胞:In the Marriage of A & B (1989) 13 Fam LR 798, 99 FLR 171。胚胎一旦完成發展過程便會變成胎兒,並會有器官成形。在香港,《人類生殖科技條例》(第561章)第15條禁制若干處置胚胎的方法。任何通過人工受孕過程(例如將胚胎值入某女子的體內)而出生的子女,在若干情況下會被視為該女子及有關婚姻的另一方的子女:《父母與子女條例》(第429章)第9及10條。另見 Abortion; Artificial conception; Foetus; Marital relationship。n.




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