

单词 Embracery
释义 賄賂陪審員
An attempt of a person to corrupt, influence or instruct a jury or incline them to favour one party or the other or to act contrary to their oath by means other than by evidence and arguments in open court: Jepps v Tunbridge & Wiseman (1611) Moore KB 815; Pomfreit v Brownsal (1600) Cro Eliz 735. Conduct which would amount to embracery includes soliciting (either personally or by an attorney) a juror to favour one party over the other (Bradley v Jones Case (1613) Gobd 240), inducing a jury member not to appear (Hussey v Cooke (1621) Hob 294) or the use of threats, promises, letters or the like. The offence is a misdemeanour triable on indictment: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 101I(1). See also Jury.
某人通過證據和在公開法庭上辯論以外的方式企圖收買、影響或指示陪審員或使他們傾向作出有利於一方或另一方的決定、或作出違反其誓言的行為:Jepps v Tunbridge & Wiseman (1611) Moore KB 815; Pomfreit v Brownsal (1600) Cro Eliz 735。相等於賄賂陪審員的行為包括 (親身或通過律師)唆使陪審員偏袒一方(Bradley v Jones Case (1613) Gobd 240)、誘使陪審員不出庭(Hussey v Cooke (1621) Hob 294) 或使用威脅、承諾、信件等手段。賄賂陪審員是可循公訴程序審訊的非重刑罪:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章) 第101I(1)條。另見 Jury。n.




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