

单词 Emergency
释义 緊急事故
A sudden, unforeseen happening which requires action to correct or to protect lives and/or property. On any occasion of emergency or public danger, the Chief Executive in Council may make any regulations which he may consider desirable in the public interest: Emergency Regulations Ordinance (Cap 241) s 2(1). Such regulations may provide for censorship, and the control and suppression of publications, arrest, detention, exclusion and deportation, amending any enactment, suspending the operation of any enactment and applying any enactment with or without modification. See also Disaster; State of emergency.
須要行動以挽救或保護生命及/或財產的突然而不可預見的事件。一旦有任何緊急情況或危害公安的情況時,行政長官會同行政會議可訂立任何他認為合乎公眾利益的規例:《緊急情況規例條例》(第241章)第2(1)條。此等規例可就刊物、逮捕、羈留、驅逐及遞解離境的檢查、管制及壓制作出規定;修訂任何成文法則;暫停實施任何成文法則,以及應用任何不論是否經修改的成文法則作出規定。另見 Disaster; State of emergency。n.




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