

单词 Embezzlement
释义 盜用公款
A statutory offence committed by a clerk or servant who misappropriates property received in the course of employment for, and under the authority of, the master or employer: A-G v Ng Hung Nam [1946-72] HKC 114 (CA). An embezzlement of trust funds of clients by a solicitor entitles his partner to an immediate dissolution: Essell v Hayward (1860) 30 Beav 158. The offence occurs before the property has passed into the possession of the employee; it is distinguished from ‘larceny by servant’, which is committed by an employee who appropriates property entrusted to the employee’s custody by the employer. See also Larceny.
由文員或受僱員所犯的法定罪行,即有關的文員或受僱員在為僱主服務或在僱主的權限下的僱傭關係的過程中挪用獲得的財產:A-G v Ng Hung Nam [1946-72] HKC 114(上訴法庭)。如律師盜用客戶的信託基金,該律師的合夥人有權作出即時的解散:Essell v Hayward (1860) 30 Beav 158。盜用公款的罪行在有關的財產已轉移至僱員管有前已發生;盜用公款與「受僱員的盜竊罪」有別,後者指受僱員取用由僱主委託予僱員保管的財產。另見 Larceny。n.




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