

单词 Subsidy
释义 津貼
A grant, bounty or payment made to industries to assist the production of various goods and services and help domestic industry remain competitive. Subsidy is an indirect form of protection equally valuable to producers. See also Tariff.
Environment - A pecuniary aid furnished by the government to a private industrial undertaking, a cultural organisation or a grant or contribution of money. See also Grant.
授予各行業以援助生產各式各樣貨物及服務的資助金、補貼或款項,並予以協助本地行業保持競爭力。津貼是非直接形式的保障,對生產商有同等價值。另見 Tariff。
環境 -   由政府提供予私人工業經營、文化組織或的金錢援助、資助金或分擔款項。另見 Grant。n.




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