

单词 Creditor
释义 債權人
A person to whom a debt is owed and payable to him by a debtor. A creditor includes a corporation, a firm of creditors in partnership and, in relation to criminal bankruptcy proceedings, the Official Petitioner: Bankruptcy Rules (Cap 6A) s 2. A creditor can present a petition for bankruptcy against a debtor in respect of a debt if the debtor appears to be unable to pay the debt and the amount thereof exceeds HK$ 10,000: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 6. See also Debtor; Preferred creditor; Secured creditor.
債務人對其欠付債務並應向其付款的人。債權人包括法團、由合夥的債權人組成的商號及刑事破產程序中的法定呈請人:《破產規則》(第6A章)第2條。如果債務人看似無能力償付債項並且債項金額超過10,000港元,債權人能夠對債務人的債項提出破產呈請:《破產條例》(第6章)第6條。另見 Debtor; Preferred creditor; Secured creditor。n.




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