

单词 Subrogation
释义 代位權
The substitution of one person for another in respect of a lawful claim, demand, or right, so that the person substituted succeeds to or acquires the rights, remedies, or securities of the other in relation to the claim. The person who is subrogated to another stands in that other person’s shoes.
Equity - A transfer of rights from one person to another, without assignment or assent of the person from whom the rights are transferred and which takes place by operation of law in a whole variety of widely different circumstances: Orakpo v Manson Investments Ltd [1978] AC 95, [1977] 3 All ER 1 (HL). The substitution occurs without any assignment by, or even assent of, the party from whom the rights are transferred. The doctrine applies in a range of circumstances, for example, when a surety pays the creditor of a principal debtor, or when an insurer, under a contract of indemnity insurance, pays the insured who has rights against a third party. Some categories of subrogation are contractual in origin, but others are in no way based on contract and appear to defy classification except as an empirical remedy to prevent a particular kind of unjust enrichment: Netwell Properties Ltd v JCG Finance Ltd [2002] 2 HKC 558. Subrogation is a remedy rather than a right: Re T H Knitwear (Wholesale) Ltd [1988] Ch 275, 1 All ER 860 (CA).
Foreign relations - The process of transferring the duties and obligations of a state from a predecessor state to the successor state, pursuant to an agreement between the successor state and a claimant. See also State succession.
Insurance - 1. The insurer is entitled to be placed in the position of the assured so as to be entitled to the advantage of all the rights and remedies which the assured possesses against third parties in respect of the subject matter: Re Miller, Gibb & Co Ltd [1957] 2 All ER 266, 1 WLR 703. The insurer’s right of subrogation has been codified under the Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 79(1) and is applicable to non-marine insurance, such as motor insurance: Page v Scottish Insurance Corp (1929) 140 LT 571 (CA). However, it does not generally apply to life or personal accident insurance: Dalby v India and London Life Assurance Co (1854) 15 CB 365, 139 ER 465. The right of subrogation arises only when the insurer has fully indemnified the insured. The insured may still sue the third party if not fully indemnified: Hobbs v Marlow [1978] AC 16. Subrogation applies even to a statutory liability: Ellerbeck Collieries Ltd v Cornhill Insurance Co Ltd [1932] 1 KB 401 (CA). 2. The right of the insurer to recover payment made in respect of a loss from the insured any benefits received by him from a third party in diminution of the loss: John Edwards & Co v Motor Union Insurance Co Ltd [1922] 2 KB 249. See also Indemnity.
衡平法 - 在沒有轉讓人的轉讓書或同意之下,將權利從一人轉讓予他人,並在整體有廣泛不同的情況下藉法律的施行轉讓:Orakpo v Manson Investments Ltd [1978] AC 95, [1977] 3 All ER 1 (上議院)。代位權是補救方法,而非權利:Re T H Knitwear (Wholesale) Ltd [1988] Ch 275, 1 All ER 860(英國上訴法院)。取代在沒有任何轉讓人的轉讓書或甚至同意之下轉讓。這原則在一系列的情況適用,例如擔保人為主要債務人付款予有關的債權人,或保險人根據彌償保險合約,付款予有針對第三方權利的受保人。代位權的若干種類源自合約,但其他則決非基於合約,並看來並不能被分類,除作為基於經驗的補救以防止個別不正當收益的類別,則屬例外:Netwell Properties Ltd v JCG Finance Ltd [2002] 2 HKC 558。代位權是補救方法,而非權利:Re T H Knitwear (Wholesale) Ltd [1988] Ch 275, 1 All ER 860(英國上訴法院)。
外交 - 把一個前任國家的責任及義務,根據繼任國與申索人之間的協議向繼任國家轉移的過程。另見 State succession。
保險 -   1. 保險人有權獲處於受保人的位置,因而享有受保人就有關的標的事項針對第三方而持有的權利及補救方法的利益:Re Miller, Gibb & Co Ltd [1957] 2 All ER 266, 1 WLR 703。保險人的代位權已根據《海上保險條例》(第329章)第79(1)條編纂為成文法則,並對非海險適用,例如汽車保險(Page v Scottish Insurance Corp (1929) 140 LT 571(英國上訴法院))。但代位權一般不適用於人壽保險或個人意外保險:Dalby v India and London Life Assurance Co (1854) 15 CB 365, 139 ER 465。如有關的保險人已完全對有關的受保人作出彌償,則代位權才會出現。但如仍未獲完全作出彌償,受保人仍可追討第三方:Hobbs v Marlow [1978] AC 16。代位權甚至適用於法定法律責任:Ellerbeck Collieries Ltd v Cornhill Insurance Co Ltd [1932] 1 KB 401 (英國上訴法院)。  2. 保險人追討受保人就某損失作出的款項的權利,即任何受保人從第三方獲得以減少損失的利益:John Edwards and Co v Motor Union Insurance Co Ltd [1922] 2 KB 249。另見 Indemnity。 n.




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