

单词 Adjudication
释义 裁決/裁定
1.The giving of a judgment or decision of a court or tribunal. In bankruptcy proceedings, the determination that a debtor is declared bankrupt is called an adjudication: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6). 2. The assessment by the Collector of Stamp Revenue as to whether an instrument is chargeable with stamp duty and if so, how much: Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap 117) s 13. See also Judgment.
1.法庭或審裁處作出的裁判或決定。在破產案中,宣佈負債人破產的決定稱裁定:《破產條例》(第6章)。 2.印花稅署署長就一份文書是否須繳付印花稅及須繳付多少的評定:《印花稅條例》(第117章)第13條。另見 Judgment。n.




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