

单词 Adjustment
释义 調整索償
An arrangement or settlement. In insurance law, the process settlement and ascertainment of the amount of indemnity which an assured is entitled to receive under a policy of insurance, after due allowance has been made for deductions, thereby establishing the amount for which the underwriters are liable. It is particularly common in marine law where as a general principle and unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties, an adjustment is governed by the law of the ship’s destination or delivery point of the cargo: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) ss 42-49. See also At and from; Average; Underwriter.
安排或償付。就保險法而言,償付過程及計算保險公司應負擔受保人在保單內可享有並獲得的彌償金額(扣除適當的津貼)。航海法中有一項普遍及通用的原則,除各方同意外,調整索償受船舶目的地的法律或貨物落貨點管制:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第42-49條。另見 At and from; Average; Underwriter。n.




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