

单词 Statement of claim
释义 申索陳述書
A pleading in which the plaintiff sets out the facts on which he relies as showing that he is entitled to the intervention of the court in his favour or against the defendant. The issuing of a statement of claim and the procedure that should be followed are governed by the Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) and the Rules of the District Court (Cap 336H). If there is no averment against a particular defendant, no judgment may be entered against that defendant: Prague Enterprises Ltd v Chan Miu Cheung (Personal Representative of John Gilbert, dec’d) [1994] 3 HKC 175 (CA). The cause of action disclosed in the statement of claim should be the same as that in the writ. The statement of claim must set out in a summary form the material facts on which the plaintiff relies for his claim (The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 18 r 7(1)), and state specifically and show the ground for the particular relief or remedy claimed, although costs need not be specifically claimed (O 18 r 15(1)). Every statement of claim must bear on its face a statement of the date on which the writ in the action was issued: O 18 r 15(3). The omission of the words ‘Statement of Claim’ at the head of a writ of summons intended to be indorsed with a statement of claim has been held to constitute an irregularity. A statement of claim must not contain any allegation or claim in respect of a cause of action unless that cause of action is mentioned in the writ or arises from facts which are the same as, or include or form part of, facts giving rise to a cause of action so mentioned: O 18 r 15(2); Kala Sakhrani Mohan v Ontrade International Ltd [1983] 1 HKC 81 (CA). Subject to that, a plaintiff may in his statement of claim alter, modify or extend any claim made by him in the indorsement of the writ without amending the indorsement (O 18 r 15(2); Wing Siu Co Ltd v Goldquest International Ltd [2003] 2 HKC 64), and may plead any matter which has arisen at any time, whether before or since the issue of the writ (O 18 r 9). Where the plaintiff seeks to obtain a judgment expressed in a foreign currency, he should expressly state in his writ, whether or not indorsed with a statement of claim, that he makes a claim for payment in a specified foreign currency; and unless the facts themselves clearly show this, he should plead the facts relied on to support such a claim. The nature and effect of foreign law, being a question of fact for the Hong Kong court, must be expressly pleaded in a statement of claim: Jean Kraut AG v Albany Fabrics Ltd [1977] 2 QB 182, 2 All ER 116. See also Originating process; Pleadings; Statement of defence.
原告人列明他/她會倚據以顯示有權得到法庭作出有利於他/她的干預或針對被告人的事實的狀書。《高等法院規則》(第4A章)及《區域法院規則》(第336H章)規管申索陳述書的發出及所需遵循的程序。如沒有對個別被告人的實證陳述,則不可針對該被告人登錄判決:Prague Enterprises Ltd v Chan Miu Cheung (Personal Representatives of John Gilbert, dec’d) [1994] 3 HKC 175(上訴法庭)。在申索陳述書披露的訴訟因由應與在令狀的相同。每份狀書必須載有簡要陳述,述明作訴的一方提出申索所倚據的具關鍵性的事實(《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第18號命令第7(1)條規則),及必須特別述明及顯示特定申索濟助或補救的理由(第18號命令第15(1)條規則),但無須特別申索訟費(第18號命令第15(1)條規則)。每份申索陳述書的表面,必須載有一項關於在訴訟中發出令狀的發出日期的陳述:第18號命令第15(3)條規則。在預定註有申索陳述書的傳訊令狀的開首部分略去「申索陳述書」字樣被裁定為不合乎規定。除非某訴訟因由已在有關令狀中述及,或產生該訴訟因由的事實,是與經如此述及的訴訟因由所產自的事實相同或包括該等事實或屬該等事實的一部分,否則申索陳述書不得載有任何關於該訴訟因由的指稱或申索:第18號命令第15(2)條;Kala Sakhrani Mohan v Ontrade International Ltd [1983] 1 HKC 81(上訴法庭)。但除此之外,原告人可在其申索陳述書之中更改、變動或擴大他在令狀的註明中提出的任何申索,而無須修訂該註明(第18號命令第15(2)條規則);Wing Siu Co Ltd v Goldquest International Ltd [2003] 2 HKC 64),及任何一方可在任何狀書中就在任何時間發生的事宜作訴,不論該事宜是在令狀發出之前或之後發生(第18號命令第 9條規則)。如原告人尋求獲得以外幣支付的判決,則他/她應在其狀書註明 (無論是否註有申索陳述書),即他/她作出以指明外幣付款的申索;此外,除非有關事實的本身清晰顯示此項目,他/她應就其倚據支持該等申索的事實作訴。作為香港法庭的事實問題,必須在申索陳述書就外地法律的性質及影響明示作訴:Jean Kraut AG v Albany Fabrics Ltd [1977] 2 QB 182, 2 All ER 116。另見 Originating process; Pleadings; Statement of defence。




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