

单词 Hospital Order
释义 入院令
An order requiring a person suffering from a mental illness, psychopathic disorder, subnormality, or severe subnormality, and who is convicted of an offence or charged with an offence punishable by imprisonment and the magistrate is satisfied that such person did the act or made the omission, to be detained in a hospital for medical treatment. Examples are orders made under the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) s 45. Before imposing such order, the court or magistrate must be satisfied on the written or oral evidence of two registered medical practitioners that such person is mentally disordered and the nature or degree of the mental disorder warrants his detention in the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or a mental hospital for treatment: Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) s 45(1)(b). The ordinary rules of evidence applied in relation to determining whether a charge is proved which provides the foundation for a hospital order: R v Huang Chen Sheng [1988] HKC 544 (HC). When determining whether to send a person to a Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or a mental hospital, regard must be had to the views of the medical experts but the decision is for the court or magistrate: R v Ha Kei Fuk (CACC 688/95, unreported). See also Detention; Orders for detention.
有精神病、精神病理障礙、智力障礙或嚴重智力障礙而已被定罪,或被控可判處監禁罪行的人,並且裁判官信納此人的曾作出該作為或曾有該不作為後,規定該人須被扣留在醫院內接受治療的命令:《精神健康條例》(第136章)第45條。在判處該命令前,法院或裁判官須基於所收取2名註冊醫生的書面證據或口頭證供,信納該人為精神紊亂的人及該人所患有的精神紊亂的性質或程度,足以構成理由將他羈留在懲教署精神病治療中心或精神病院內,以接受治療:《精神健康條例》(第136章)第45(1)(b)條。在決定是否經已証明作為入院令依據的檢控時,可應用一般的證據規則:R v Huang Chen Sheng [1988] HKC 544(高等法院)。在決定是否將某人送往懲教署精神病治療中心或精神病院時,必須顧及醫學專家的意見,但由法庭或裁判官作最後決定:R v Ha Kei Fuk(刑事上訴1995年第688號,未經彙報)。另見 Detention; Orders for detention。




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