

单词 Status quo
释义 現狀
Lat – the state in which. The state of affairs existing now or at some given date. Always used with reference to a continuation or prolongation of a thing or condition already in existence.
Family law - The existing state of things at a given date. In family law proceedings for a residence order, the party who has the care of the child at the time the court considers the application for a parenting order has a status quo argument in his or her favour. The preservation of the status quo is one of the most important considerations when deciding the issue of custody: X v Y (FCMC 10242/2001, unreported). Generally, courts are reluctant to change the status quo especially where a child is happily settled in an environment: J v C [1970] AC 668, [1969] 1 All ER 788 (HL); Lee Wai Chu v Lee Yim Chuen (HCMP 2678/83, unreported). To split up the children of a family is inherently undesirable from the point of view of their welfare and if reasonably possible, such a thing should be avoided: C v C (1981) 11 Fam Law 147 (CA). See also Interim custody.
Tort - The state of things as they are or were. Compensation in tort law is based on the principle of restitutio in integrum which requires a plaintiff to be restored to his or her status quo, that is, to be placed in the position he or she would have been in if the tort had not been committed: British Transport Commission v Gourley [1956] AC 185, [1955] 3 All ER 796 (HL). A complete restoration of the status quo is not always possible, particularly in cases of personal injury where the loss is non-pecuniary. A party who has committed (or, in the case of an interlocutory application, is alleged to have committed) a breach of a negative obligation may be ordered to take action to restore the status quo: Shepherd Homes Ltd v Sandham [1971] Ch 340, [1970] 3 All ER 402. The courts will often interfere by way of injunction to preserve the status quo pending the hearing of an action for specific performance: American Cyanamid Co v Ethicon Ltd [1975] AC 396, 1 All ER 504 (HL). See also Damages; Restitutio in integrum.
拉丁語 – 原來的狀況。現在或於若干給定日期存在的事務狀況。總是在參照已存在的事情或狀況的延續或延長的情況下使用。
家庭法 - 在給定的日期存在的事務狀態。在有關居所令的家庭法法律程序上,在法院考慮某家長令的申請時,會給予照顧有關子女的一方有利的論點。在決定監護權的爭論點時,保存現狀是其中一項最重要的考慮因素:X v Y(婚姻訴訟,2001年第10242號,未經彙報)。概括而言,特別是如某子女快樂地在一環境安居,則法院不願改變有關的現狀:J v C [1970] AC 668, [1969] 1 All ER 788(上議院); Re Lee Cheuk Wah (an infant)(HCMP 2678/83, 未經彙報)。從家庭福利的角度而言,鑒於本質上不宜分開家庭各子女,因此在合理可能的情況下,應避免該等事情發生:C v C (1981) 11 Fam Law 147(上訴法院)。另見 Interim custody。
侵權 - 事務現在或原來的狀況。侵權法的補償是基於回復原狀的原則,此原則規定回復原告人的原狀,即將原告人置於如有關的侵權行為沒有發生,他/她所應處的情況上:British Transport Commission v Gourley [1956] AC 185, [1955] 3 All ER 796 (上議院)。完全回復原狀總是不可能的,特別是屬於非金錢損失的人身傷害案件。可命令犯(或在非正審申請的案件,被指稱已犯)違反消極責任的當事人採取行動回復原狀:Shepherd Homes Ltd v Sandham [1971] Ch 340, [1970] 3 All ER 402。法院通常會籍強制令的方法干預,以保存原狀,有待進行申請強制履行的訴訟聆訊:American Cyanamid Co v Ethicon Ltd [1975] AC 396, 1 All ER 504 (上議院)。另見 Damages; Restitutio in integrum。




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