

单词 Stare decisis
释义 遵循先例
Lat – the decision stands. ‘Stare decisis’, or the doctrine of binding precedent, is more precisely known as ‘Stare rationibus decidendis’ (keep to the decisions of past cases). Generally speaking, the doctrine operates to secure certainty in the law by providing that a court is bound to follow previous decisions, unless they are inconsistent with a higher court’s decision or wrong in law. Where a full court of the Court of Criminal Appeal assembles for the purpose of reconsidering a question that involves the subject’s liberty, it may reconsider an earlier decision of the Court of Criminal Appeal with a view to seeing whether he or she has been convicted properly: Secretary for Justice v Wong Sau Fong [1998] 2 HKLRD 254. However, in civil matters, the Court of Appeal should consider itself bound by its own previous decisions: Ng Yuen Shiu v AG [1981] HKLR 352. The District Court is not bound by its own previous first instance decisions, which are only of persuasive authority: Incorporated Owners of Tropicana Gardens v Tropicana Gardens Management Ltd & Anor [2001] 3 HKLRD 512. See also Common law; Precedent; Ratio decidendi.
拉丁語 – 有關的決定有效。「遵循先例」或判例具約束力原則更準確的拉丁語名稱是 ‘Stare rationibus decidendis’ (即保存過去案件的決定)。概括而言,此原則藉規定法庭須遵循過往的決定以確保法律在這方面的確切性,除非有關的決定與較上級的法庭的決定不相符或在法律上有錯誤。如刑事上訴法庭的合議庭聚集,以便重行考慮涉及所針對的人的自由的問題,法庭可重行考慮刑事上訴法庭過往的決定,目的是了解他是否已恰當地被裁定:Secretary for Justice v Wong Sau Fong [1998] 2 HKLRD 254。但在民事案件,上訴法庭應考慮本身受自己過往的決定約束:Ng Yuen Shiu v AG [1981] HKLR 352。地方法院並不受其本身過往的原訟決定約束,有關的原訟決定只是無絕對約束力的判例:Incorporated Owners of Tropicana Gardens v Tropicana Gardens Management Ltd & Anor [2001] 3 HKLRD 512。另見 Common law; Precedent; Ratio decidendi。




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