

单词 Satellite
释义 衛星
A natural or artificial object which orbits another object in outer space. For example, the moon is a natural satellite of the earth. Man-made satellites are devices launched into space to orbit around the earth for a specific purpose such as the transmission of radio messages, navigation, and intelligence gathering. The use of satellites is governed by the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Outer Celestial Bodies (Outer Space Treaty) 1967. The treaty provides that contracting parties are internationally liable for damage caused to another state: arts 6, 7. The International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation (INTELSAT), an intergovernmental organisation which had operated a global satellite system based on a non-discriminatory principle that all states have the right of access to the system, has since 2001 become a private company, Intelsat Ltd, providing telecommunications services via satellite to customers worldwide. In relation to telecommunications, the Office of the Telecommunications Authority (‘OFTA’) monitors the operations of satellite systems registered in Hong Kong under the Outer Space Ordinance (Cap 523) to ensure that they comply with the respective licences. On satellite regulation and co-ordination, OFTA was authorised by the Ministry of Information Industry of the People’s Republic of China to lead satellite operators in holding meetings with other administrations and international satellite organisations on all technical and operational aspects of the co-ordination of frequency assignments. See also Aircraft; Airspace; Telecommunications.
在外層空間環繞另一物體的軌道運行的自然或人造物體。例如月亮是地球的自然衛星。人造衛星是發射到太空以環繞地球軌道運行的工具,並各有特別的目的,例如發射無線電訊息,航行及收集情報。《1967年關於各國探索和利用包括月球和其他天體在內外層空間活動的原則條約》(簡稱《外層空間條約》)規管人造衛星的使用。此條約規定,如締約方對他國造成損害,則負有國際上的法律責任:第6及7條。國際通信衛星組織(INTELSAT) 是一跨政府組織,並根據不歧視的原則管理一套適用於全球的衛星系統,在這系統下,所有國家均有權享用這套系統。此組織自2001年成為私人公司 (Intelsat Ltd),並向世界各地的客戶提供電訊服務。就電訊而言,電訊管理局(「OFTA」) 根據《外層空間條例》(第523章)監察在香港註冊的衛星系統運作,以確保有關的運作符合個別的牌照規則。在衛星規例和協調上,OFTA由人華人民共和國資訊產業部授權,就運作平台協調的一切技術及操作上的情況,帶領衛星營辦商與其他行政機構及國際衛星組織舉行會議。另見 Aircraft; Airspace; Telecommunications。n.




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