

单词 Scale of costs
释义 訟費收費表
A prescribed statutory scale of legal costs applying to the taxation of all costs incurred in relation to contentious business: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62 r 32(1). Contentious business is business done whether as a solicitor or advocate, in and for the purposes of proceedings begun before a court or arbitrator, not being non-contentious probate business: Re Simpkin Marshall Ltd [1959] Ch 229. Scale costs are usually set by regulation: O 62 rr1-31, 32(2)-(4). Part I of this scale prescribes the charges for the preparation of documents, attendances by unqualified staff for filing documents and conducting searches and service of documents: O 62 sch 1 Pt I items 1-4. Part I also covers preparation for trial including taking instructions, interviewing and corresponding with witnesses and taking proofs, obtaining and perusing experts’ reports, inspecting property, making searches, obtaining details of special damages, attending and corresponding with other parties or their solicitors, the process of discovery, drafting and perusing documents including pleadings and affidavits and instructions to counsel, negotiations, attendances at court and the general care and conduct of the case: O 62 sch 1 Pt I item 5. The sum of costs to be awarded in respect of these latter items is discretionary and the masters have laid down a range of hourly rates allowable in party and party taxations. Notwithstanding this, fixed costs are to be allowed, unless the court otherwise orders, in the cases for which fixed costs are prescribed: O 62 r 32(4). See also Assessment of costs; Costs; Costs agreement; Costs disclosure; Taxation of costs; Time costing.
一套訂明的法定訟費收費表,適用於對關於爭議事務而招致的所有訟費所作的訟費評定:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第62號令第32(1)條規則。爭議事務即律師或代訟人作出的事務:在法院或仲裁人面前進行的法律程序及以其目的作出的事務,而不是非爭議事務的遺囑認證事務:Re Simpkin Marshall Ltd [1959] Ch 229。通常以規則規定訟費收費:第62號命令第1至31及32(2)至(4)規則。在第I部訂明製作文件,無特別資格人員辦理的事宜,例如將文件送交法院存檔、辦理翻查及送達文件的費用:第62號命令附表1第I部第1至4項。第I部也涵蓋準備審判,包括錄取當事人指示,會見證人及有可能成為證人的人,並與其通訊,錄取及準備證據的證明,取得專家的報告並加以考慮,視察任何財產或地方,翻查,取得專項損害賠償的細節,會晤其他各方或其代表律師和與其通訊,文件透露的過程,草擬及考慮有關文件(包括狀書、誓章、向大律師發出的指示,洽商,在法院出庭及一般案件的事宜:第62號令附表1第I部第5項。這些其後事項的訟費款額以酌情權判給,而聆案官已訂下一系列當事人可容許的時薪額和訟費評定。儘管有此規定,在命令所適用的案件中,除非法庭另有命令,否則須按照該附表的規定准予訟費:第62號令第32(4)條規則。另見 Assessment of costs; Costs; Costs agreement; Costs disclosure; Taxation of costs; Time costing。




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