

单词 Satisfaction of portion debts by legacies
释义 以遺贈償付贈與財產債務
The equitable doctrine based on the presumption of satisfaction that where a parent testator confers a portion or advancement on a child and by a later will leaves the child a legacy, it is presumed that the legacy was intended in satisfaction of the portion debt. The presumption operates only if the portion debt or advancement provision intended to establish the child in life (Taylor v Taylor (1875) LR 20 Eq 155) is in existence and unperformed at the time of the parent testator’s death. Depending on the amount of the legacy, satisfaction of the debt may be full or partial satisfaction. The presumption may be rebutted if there is a substantial difference in the amounts involved in each gift between the nature of the legacy and the portion or advancement debt: Stevenson v Masson (1873) LR 17 Eq 78. See also Advancement; Satisfaction; Satisfaction of legacies by legacies; Satisfaction of legacies by portions.
根據清償推定的行平法上的原則:如父母立遺囑人授予子女贈與財產或預付財產,但其後以遺囑產留下遺贈給子女,則推定有意圖以有關的遺贈償付贈與財產債務。如有意圖確立子女在生時有關的贈與財產債務或預付財產款項(Taylor v Taylor (1875) LR 20 Eq 155) ,是在父母立遺囑人死亡時存在或尚未履行,則此推定才有效。取決於遺贈的款額,可以是全部或部分的償付債務。如在遺贈性質和贈與或預付財產債務之間涉及的每項饋贈在款額上有重大差異,則可推翻此推定 :Stevenson v Masson (1873) LR 17 Eq 78。另見 Advancement; Satisfaction; Satisfaction of legacies by legacies; Satisfaction of legacies by portions。




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