

单词 Addition of new causes
释义 新訴訟因由的加入
The joining of an additional cause, that can stand alone on its merits, to an existing cause of action for the sake of convenience: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 15 r 1. A cause of action common to all plaintiffs can be joined separately or individually against the defendant, and is referred to as addition by a plaintiff. Addition by a single plaintiff against several defendants is allowed and is governed by the rules on joinder of parties: Burstall v Beyfus (1884) 26 Ch D 35 (CA). In criminal proceedings, there may be a joinder of charges in the same presentment, depending on the circumstances. See also Consolidation; Joinder; Joinder of causes of action; Joinder of parties.
為方便起見,將一個在法律上可以獨立成立的額外訴訟因由與一個已存在的訴訟因由相結合:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第15號命令第1條規則。所有原告人共同的訴訟因由可以針對被告人分別或各自結合,這稱為由原告人加入新訴訟因由。某一原告人亦可以針對多個被告人加入新訴訟因由,這由多方合併的訴訟規則所規限:Burstall v Beyfus (1884) 26 Ch D 35(英國上訴法院)。在刑事訴訟中,根據具體的情況,可能會在同一份控訴狀中出現合併控罪。另見Consolidation; Joinder; Joinder of causes of action; Joinder of parties。




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