单词 | Address to the court |
释义 | 向法庭陳詞 A speech made to the court by counsel for a party to the proceedings. The opening address is the first address delivered to the court at the commencement of trial. It gives the court a general view of the proceedings and what will be proven in evidence. The final or closing address is given at the close of evidence, allowing counsel to summarise and collate evidence which supports their party’s case in a persuasive manner, and make submissions on the evidence. Order of speeches in civil trial: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 35 r 7. At a trial of indictment before the High Court, the prosecution is entitled to open its case before the jury. As a matter of practice, counsel for the defence is entitled to make an opening speech, except where the accused is the only witness as to fact called by the defence: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 55. As to closing speeches, the defence has the right to the last word. The prosecution shall give its closing speech immediately after the close of the defence case but before the closing speech (if any) of the defence: s 56(2)(b). 大律師代表訴訟一方向法庭作出的陳詞。開審陳詞是審訊開始後首先向法庭作出的陳詞,令法庭對訴訟的要點及將要証明的事有個瞭解。結案陳詞則在証供完結後作出,給大律師有機會以具說服力的方式總結及整理証據以支持其代表一方的案情,並就證據作出陳詞。民事案件中作出陳詞的次序:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第35號命令第7條規則。在高等法院以公訴形式進行的審訊中,控方有權向陪審團作出開審陳詞。習慣上,辯護大律師有權作出開審陳詞,但若被告是辯方唯一事實證人則屬例外:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第55條。至於結案陳詞,辯方有最後發言權。控方的結案陳詞,須緊接在辯方完成辯護案情後,但在辯方作出結案陳詞(如有的話)前作出:第56(2)(b)條。 |
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