

单词 Adequacy of consideration
释义 代價的足夠值
In contract law, adequacy in the value of consideration by comparison with the value of the promise which it is said to support. In the formation of a contract, the inadequacy of propounded consideration is no ground of objection to the validity of the consideration. For consideration to be good or valuable, it needs to be reasonable: A-Target Inc v Kalon Ltd (t/a Cititime Corp) & Ors [1990] 1 HKLR 611 (CA). See also Consideration; Contact; Nominal consideration; Sufficiency of consideration.
在合同法中,代價的價值的足夠程度,與該代價所支持的承諾的價值相比。在達成合約時,已提呈的代價不足夠,並不屬反對該代價的有效性的理由。代價必須是合理的,方為有效或有價值:A-Target Inc v Kalon Ltd (t/a Cititime Corp) & Ors [1990] 1 HKLR 611(上訴法院)。另見 Consideration; Contact; Nominal consideration; Sufficiency of consideration。




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