

单词 Berth note
释义 停泊摘記
A form of contract signed by the master of a vessel giving details of tonnage, the kind of cargo, loading and unloading ports, lay days and the like when individual port cargo is booked. The note is also endorsed by the owners, agents or charterers. See also Agent; Cargo; Charterer; Lay day; Owner; Port.
在預定運載貨物時,由船長簽署的合約形式,在內詳列船的噸位,貨物類別,裝貨港口和卸貨港口,裝卸貨日等資料。船東,船隻代理人或租船人也須在有關的摘記上加簽。另見 Agent; Cargo; Charterer; Lay day; Owner; Port。




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