

单词 Berth
释义 船隻停泊
1. A wharf or quay where a vessel can load or discharge cargo: Leonis Steamship Co v Rank Ltd [1908] 1 KB 499. 2. To moor a ship in its allotted place. It means to berth, moor, anchor or secure any vessel: Port Control (Cargo Working Areas) Ordinance (Cap 81) s 2. The Director of Marine has the power to give direction to the owner, master of, or any person in control, of a ship concerning the berthing of that ship: Shipping and Port Control Ordinance (Cap 313) s 16; Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) Ordinance (Cap 548) s 24.
1. 船舶可裝卸貨物的貨運碼頭或碼頭:Leonis Steamship Co v Rank [1908] 1 KB 499。  2. 把船繫泊在其編配的地方。即停泊、繫泊、錨泊或穩固任何船隻:看《港口管制(貨物裝卸區)條例》(第81章)第2條。就有關船隻的停泊事宜而言,海事處處長對船隻的擁有人、船長,或任何控制有關船隻的人,有發出指示的權力:《船舶及港口管制條例》(第313章)第16條;《商船(本地船隻)條例》(第548章)第24條。n.




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