

单词 Adducing evidence
释义 提出證據
Leading information and statements in a court to prove or disprove a fact in issue. Evidence is adduced in three forms: oral testimony of a witness; documentary evidence; and real evidence. Not all evidence adduced in a court will be admissible. Only evidence relevant to the proceeding and complying with the other rules of evidence will be admissible. See also Admissibility; Documentary evidence; Evidence; Probative facts; Real evidence; Tender; Testimony; Witness.
在法庭上的引導資料及聲明,以證明或否定一項爭議的事情。提出的證據有三類:證人的口頭供詞;文書證據;及實物證據。不是所有在法庭提出的證據都可獲法庭接納,唯有與訴訟有關並符合其他證據規則的證據方會獲接納。另見 Admissibility; Documentary evidence; Evidence; Probative facts; Real evidence; Tender; Testimony; Witness。




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