

单词 Indorsement
释义 背書
The act of writing on a negotiable instrument, usually on the back, the name of the person who is the transferor, signifying the intention to transfer the right to payment. To operate as a negotiation, an indorsement must be written on the instrument; signed by the indorser; and be an indorsement of the entire bill or cheque. Indorsement usually makes the indorser a surety for payment. Also known as ‘endorsement’. See also Conditional indorsement; Indorsement in blank; Partial indorsement; Special indorsement.
在可流轉票據上(通常在票據的背後) 書寫的作為;某人(轉讓人) 的名字表示轉移償付權的意圖。為使該背書可流轉,該背書必須在票據上書寫;由背書人簽署;以及成為整份票據或支票的背書。背書通常可使背書人成為繳付的保證人。另稱 「認可證明」。另見Conditional indorsement; Indorsement in blank; Partial indorsement; Special indorsement。n.




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