

单词 Paedophile
释义 孌童癖者
A person who displays sexual desire directed towards children, usually of pre-pubertal or early pubertal age. Some paedophiles are attracted to only girls, others only to boys, and others are interested in both sexes. A person who commits an act of gross indecency with or towards a child under the age of 16, or who incites a child under the age of 16 to commit such an act with or towards him or her or another, is guilty of an offence: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 146(1). The disclosure of the identity of paedophiles to members of the public is a highly sensitive decision which should only be taken when there is a pressing need to do so; that, before reaching such a decision, the police need as much information as could reasonably be obtained, and the subject of the possible disclosure was often in the best position to provide information of value in assessing the risk posed: R v Chief Constable of the North Wales Police & Ors, ex p Thorpe [1999] QB 396, [1998] 3 WLR 57 (CA). See also Child abuse; Sexual abuse.
展示出對一般在青春期前時期或青春期早期的兒童有性慾望的人士。有些孌童癖忠者只對女孩子產生興趣,有些只對男孩子產生興趣,而有一些則對兩性均產生興趣。任何人與或向一名年齡在16歲以下的兒童作出嚴重猥褻作為,或煽惑一名年齡在16歲以下的兒童與他或她、向他或她、與另一人或向另一人作出此種作為,即屬犯罪:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第146(1)條。向公眾公開孌童癖忠者的身份是一項非常敏感的決定,只有在十分有需要時才應作出;而在作出這樣的決定前,警察需要得到儘可能合理地可取得的資料,而可能被披露的對象經常是最能夠提供評估會引起的風險的有價值資料:R v Chief Constable of the North Wales Police & Ors, ex p Thorpe [1999] QB 396。另見 Child abuse; Sexual abuse。 n.




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