

单词 Pain and suffering
释义 疼痛及痛苦
Physical and mental distress caused by injury and any treatment intended to alleviate it and its length (Kralj v McGrath [1986] 1 All ER 54); the awareness of and embarrassment at the disability or disfigurement (Lim Poh Choo v Camden and Islington Area Health Authority [1980] AC 174, [1979] 2 All ER 910 (HL)), or by anxiety that the plaintiff’s condition may seriously deteriorate (Church v Ministry of Defence (1984) 134 NLJ 623). Damages may be awarded for the physical and mental distress caused to the plaintiff, both pre-trial and in the future, as a result of the injury: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 22, Remedies [340.194]. Pain and suffering must be proved and, where the plaintiff has died as a result of his injuries, identified as an element separate from the death itself: Hicks v Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police [1992] 2 All ER 65 (HL). An award under this head depends on the plaintiff’s awareness of his suffering: pain and suffering, unlike loss of amenity, is a subjective loss: Bou Kwok Leung Timothy v Yuen Ming Sun (HCA 2706/87, unreported); Kong Tak On v Johnny Lau (HCA 6337/87, unreported). See also Damages; Loss of amenities; Loss of expectation of life; Non-pecuniary loss.
因受傷及擬減輕受傷程度及時間所作的治療而產生身體上及精神上的痛苦 (Kralj v McGrath [1986] 1 All ER 54);知道身體殘障或毀容及因身體殘障或毀容而感到難堪(Lim Poh Choo v Camden and Islington Area Health Authority [1980] AC 174, [1979] 2 All ER 910 (上議院)),或因焦慮原告人的情況會嚴重惡化 (Church v Ministry of Defence (1984) 134 NLJ 623)。法庭可因原告人受傷,而在審訊前或未來所引起的身體及精神上的痛苦作出損害賠償的判給:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第22冊,補償,第[340.194]段。疼痛及痛苦必須要有證明,如原告人已過世,疼痛及痛苦必須作為獨立於死亡的元素被識別:Hicks v Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police [1992] 2 All ER 65 (上議院)。就此項的判給取決於原告人是否知道自己在受苦:不似失去生趣 ,疼痛及痛苦為一項主觀性損失: Bou Kwok Leung v Yuen Ming Sun(高院民事訴訟1987年第2706號,未經彙報);Kong Tak On v Johnny Lau(高院民事訴訟1987年第63337號,未經彙報)。另見 Damages; Loss of amenities; Loss of expectation of life; Non-pecuniary loss。




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