

单词 Malice
释义 惡意
The motive of an action; desire to injure.
Criminal law - The volition of an action. The term connotes the mens rea requirement of a criminal offence. The statute of Hong Kong uses the word ‘maliciously’ to convey this requirement. ‘Maliciously’ means wilfully or intentionally and without lawful excuse and no other ulterior purpose needs to be proved: R v Solanke [1969] 3 All ER 1383, 54 Cr App Rep 30 (CA). It is not necessary to prove a motive: R v Solanke, supra. The prosecution must prove that the accused acted deliberately in that he either intended to do an act of the same class or species as that prohibited or was reckless in the sense that he foresaw that such harm might occur but nevertheless went on to take the risk: DPP v Parmenter [1992] 1 AC 699, [1991] 4 All ER 698 (HL). See also Mens rea.
Tort - Wrong, indirect, or improper motive: Angel v HH Bushell & Co Ltd [1968] 1 QB 813, [1967] 1 All ER 1018. The proof of which is an issue of fact. Malice is the unlawful intention which is present whenever an injurious act is done intentionally and without lawful excuse: for example, in the context of defamation, malice will be established where the defendant did not believe what he said was true, or knew or believed that the defamatory statements made about the plaintiff were false: Ho Ping Kwong v Chan Cordelia [1989] 2 HKC 415. ‘Malice in law’ is inferred malice, as opposed to ‘malice in fact’ which is express or actual malice. See also Malicious prosecution; Murder; Recklessness.
刑法   - 行動的意志力。此詞包含刑事罪行對造意的要求。香港法例以「惡意」一詞傳達這個要求。「惡意」意指故意的或蓄意的,且沒有合法辯解的,它不須要證明任何其他最終目的:R v Solanke [1969] 3 All ER 1383, 54 Cr App Rep 30 (英國上訴法院)。也不需要證明動機:R v Solanke, supra。控方必須證明被控人的作為是故意的,即他意圖作出同一類別或種類的被禁止作為,或他罔顧後果,即他已預見該傷害可能會發生,不過仍然冒險:DPP v Parmenter [1992] 1 AC 699, [1991] 4 All ER 698 (上議院)。另見 Mens rea。
侵權法 -   錯誤的、非直接的、不恰當的動機:Angel v HH Bushell & Co Ltd [1968] 1 QB 813, [1967] 1 All ER 1018。證明惡意為一事實問題。它是在沒有合法辯解的情形下作出損害性作為時所存在的非法意圖:舉例,涉及誹謗時,惡意可通過一些事實而得以確立,即被告人也不相信他自己所說、被告人明知或相信有關原告人的誹謗陳述是假的:Ho Ping Kwong v Chan Cordelia [1989] 2 HKC 415。「法律上的惡意」乃推定惡意,與明示惡意或實際惡意的「事實惡意」相反。另見 Malicious prosecution; Murder; Recklessnessn.




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