

单词 Inherited law
释义 領受法律
Imperial laws enacted by the United Kingdom parliament that have not been repealed by the British colonies. Hong Kong was a former British colony (1842-1997). During the colonial reign, Acts of Parliament could have effect in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong legislature was empowered to repeal or amend imperial legislation. However, as from 1 July 1997, upon the resumption of sovereignty by China, all imperial Acts previously in force in Hong Kong ceased to apply in the Hong Kong SAR. See also Imperial law.
由英國議會制定、並未被英國殖民地廢除的英國法律。本港曾作為英國殖民地(1842年至1997年)。在殖民統治時期,英國議會所頒布的法例可以在本港生效,而本港的立法局則有權廢除或修訂英國法例。但自1997年7月1日,中國恢復對本港的主權,所有之前在本港生效的英國法例對香港特別行政區均停止有效。另見 Imperial law。




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