

单词 Injunction
释义 強制令
A court order of an equitable nature requiring a person to do, or refrain from doing, a particular action. Injunctions may be classified as final or interlocutory; mandatory or prohibitory; ex parte or inter partes; and equitable or legal: for example, The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 29.
Contract - An equitable remedy concerned with securing performance in specie, usually granted to restrain the violation of a provision or term of a contract. In cases where damages would be an inadequate remedy application may be made for injunction to restrain breach of contract where obligation is a negative one: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 7, Contract [115.369]; Warner Bros Pictures Inc v Nelson [1936] 3 All ER 160, [1937] 1 KB 209. In such cases an injunction is normally granted, although it is equitable and thus in principle a discretionary remedy, it may be refused on the ground that its award would cause such particular hardship to the defendant as to be oppressive to him. See also Equity; Inter partes injunction; Negative duty; Positive duty; Remedy; Specific performance.
Equity - An order of a court that stops a person from doing, or demands that a person do, a particular action. An injunction is a remedy of an equitable nature and therefore acts in personam: The Eastern Trust Co v McKenzie, Mann & Co Ltd [1915] AC 750 (PC). Accordingly, an injunction affecting land does not run with the land: A-G v Birmingham Tame and Red Drainage Board (1881) 17 Ch 685 (CA). An injunction is a coercive or specific (as oppose to substitutionary) remedy. It differs from a specific performance, which is only granted to enforce contractual obligations. Injunctions may require (‘enjoin’) a particular act (‘mandatory injunctions’) or forbid a particular act (‘prohibitory injunctions’); they may be interlocutory (or interim) or final; they may be granted ex parte or inter partes; and they may be granted to prevent wrongs currently existing or to prevent wrongs that have not been committed (‘quia timet injunctions’). An injunction may be permanent, for a specified period of time, or until a proceeding in a court is determined. The District Court or the Court of First Instance may by order grant an injunction or appoint a receiver in all cases in which it appears to the District Court or the Court of First Instance to be just or convenient to do so: High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 21L; District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) s 52B. See also Equitable jurisdiction; Ex parte injunction; Inter partes injunction; Interlocutory injunction; Mandatory injunction; Prohibitory injunction; Quia timet injunction; Statutory injunction.
Tort - A remedy compelling a person to do or preventing the commission of torts which are threatened, anticipated or, in cases of continuing injuries, to restrain their continuance. The principle upon which such injunction may be granted is that the injury to be inflicted would be of such a character that the claimant could not practically be compensated in damages (Ki Ming Po v Yeung Wai Hong & Ors [1993] 1 HKC 595 (HC), Chan Shui Shing Andrew & Ors v Ironwing Holdings Ltd [2001] 2 HKC 376 (CFI)); or where the injury done by it is substantial (Samfit Ltd v Hoi Tung Computer Label Industrial Co Ltd (HCA 10291/93, unreported)); or where, however slight the damage may be, the nuisance is a continuing or recurring one, so that it would give rise to a series of actions if no injunction were granted (Lo Yu Chu v Kam Fu Lai Development Co Ltd [1994] 3 HKC 18 (CA)). There is a discretion in the Court of First Instance or a District Court to grant injunctions. Where the trespass is of a trifling nature, or where damages are sufficient , or where the granting of an injunction would be oppressive, an injunction may be refused: Lo Yu Chu v Kam Fu Lai Development Co Ltd, supra. See also Damages.
合約 - 確保以原本的方式履行合約的衡平法補救方法,通常用作制止對合約條文或條款的違反。凡損害賠償是不足的補救,而且合約訂明的義務屬消極義務,可申請強制令禁止違約:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第7冊,合約,第[115.369]段;Warner Bros Pictures Inc v Nelson [1936] 3 All ER 160,[1937] 1 KB 209。在此等情況下,通常有強制令判給;但強制令在原則上屬衡平法補救,因此如強制令的判給會對被告人造成特別困難,以致對其產生欺壓性的影響,則強制令可能會被拒絕作出。另見 Equity; Inter partes injunction; Negative duty; Positive duty; Remedy; Specific performance。
衡平法 - 法院作出的命令,阻止某人作出或要求某人作出某項特定行動。「強制令」屬衡平法補救方法,因此是對人作出:The Eastern Trust Co v McKenzie, Mann & Co Ltd [1915] AC 750(樞密院)。因此,影響土地的「強制令」不會隨土地轉移:A-G v Birmingham Tame and Red Drainage Board(1881) 17 Ch 685(上訴法院) 。「強制令」是強制性或特定的(相對於取代性的)補救;有別於強制履行,強制履行只履行合約訂明的責任。「強制令」可規定(命令)某項特定作為(「強制性強制令」)或禁止某項特定作為(「禁止式強制令」);可屬非正審(或臨時)或最終強制令;可針對單方面或各方之間判給;並且可用作避免現存的錯誤或尚未犯下的錯誤(即因恐懼而請求保護)。「強制性強制令」可屬永久性、維持一段特定期限或直至在法院進行的程序得到裁決前生效。區域法院或原訟法庭在其覺得如此行事是公正或適宜的所有情況下,可藉命令授予強制令或委任何一名接管人:《高等法院條例》(第4章)第21L條;《區域法院條例》(第336章)第52B條。另見 Equitable jurisdiction; Ex parte injunction; Inter partes injunction; Interlocutory injunction; Mandatory injunction; Prohibitory injunction; Quia timet injunction; Statutory injunction.
侵權 - 就威脅或預期會發生的侵權行為,指強迫某人作出或防止某人犯侵權行為的補救方法;或在持續傷害的個案中,指禁止該等傷害繼續發生的補救方法。此等強制令在下列情況可獲判給:由於該等將會造成的傷害的性質,以致損害賠償不能足以向申索人作出補償(Ki Ming Po v Yeung Wai Hong & Ors [1993] 1 HKC 595(高等法院),Chan Shui Shing Andrew & Ors v Ironwing Holdings Ltd [2001] 2 HKC 376(高等法院原訴庭));該侵權行為造成重大的傷害(Samfit Ltd v Hoi Tung Computer Label Industrial Co Ltd(高院民事訴訟1993年第10291號,未經彙報));即使損害可能非常輕微,但由於滋擾屬持續性或復發性,因此如無強制令獲判給,會有一連串的訴訟產生(Lo Yu Chu v Kam Fu Lai Development Co Ltd [1994] 3 HKC 18(上訴法院))。原訟法庭或區域法院對判給強制令有酌情權。凡侵害屬非常輕微,或有足夠的損害賠償,或強制令的判給會帶欺壓性,則法院可能拒絕作出強制令:Lo Yu Chu v Kam Fu Lai Development Co Ltd, 見上文。另見 Damages。n.




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