

单词 In loco parentis
释义 代替父母地位
Lat – in place of the parent taking upon the duty of the parent of a child to make a provision for that child: Bennet v Bennet (1879) 10 Ch D 474; Wong San Mui & Anor v Ha Pa Yang, Patrick & Anor (HCA 6027/93, unreported).
Education and research - The traditional source of authority of school teachers as well as the source of their duty to take physical care of children.
Succession - The term used to describe a person who looks after another’s child for and on behalf of the parent and acts as a substitute parent and assumes responsibility for providing for the child in the parent’s absence: Re Mak Woon Shui (dec’d) [1992] 2 HKC 144 (CA). Whether a person has placed himself in this relation is a question of fact as to which oral evidence is admissible: Powys v Mansfield (1837) 3 My & Cr 359. The relation will be readily inferred where the child resides with, and is maintained by that person: Watson v Watson (1864) 33 Beav 574. See also Presumption of advancement.
拉丁語 - 代替某兒童的父母,承擔撫養該兒童的責任:Bennet v Bennet (1879) 10 Ch D 474; Wong San Mui & Anor v Ha Pa Yang, Patrick & Anor(高院民事訴訟1993年第6027號,未經彙報)。
教育與研究 -   傳統上學校教師的權限根據,亦是其照顧兒童生理的責任來源。
繼承 - 用以描述某人為及代另一人的父母照顧其子女,並以替代父母的身分行事,以承擔父母不在時撫養子女的責任:Re Mak Woon Shui(dec’d) [1992] 2 HKC 144(上訴法院)。某人是否已承擔此等關係屬事實上的問題,而口頭證據是可獲接納的:Powys v Mansfield (1837) 3 My & Cr 359。如該人與兒童同住,並扶養該兒童,則已可作此等關係存在的推繼:Watson v Watson (1864) 33 Beav 574。另見 Presumption of advancement。




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