

单词 Ordinary share
释义 普通股份
Share capital in a company representing a share in the ownership of the company. Such a share carries unrestricted voting rights. In the absence of a definition given in a company’s articles of association, an ordinary share is defined as a share other than a preference share. For the purpose of dividends, the ordinary share ranks after the preference share but before the deferred share. In the event of a company being wound up, ordinary shareholders have a residual claim on the company’s assets after the creditors’ claims have been met. An ordinary share in a limited liability company usually entitles its holder to: attend and vote at general meetings; participate in any profits distributed to ordinary shareholders; have the paid up value of the share returned in a winding-up after all creditors have been paid in full, and any preferential share capital has been returned; and participate ratably with other ordinary shareholders in any assets which remain after all debts have been paid, and all capital has been returned. See also Preferred ordinary share; Share.
指公司的股本,代表持有公司的股份。此等股份附有不受限制的表決權。在公司組織章程細則中沒有給予定義的情況下,普通股份被定義為非有優先權的股份。就股息而言,普通股份的等級低於有優先權的股份,但高於延遲派息股。如某公司被清盤,在債權人的申索已被清付後,普通股股東對公司資產有最終索取權。有限責任公司中的普通股份通常使其持有人有權:出席股東大會及有表決權;分享任何分發予普通股股東的盈餘;如公司清盤,在所有債權人獲全數清付後可獲發還股份的面值;及對任何在清付所有債務及發還所有資金後可按比例與其他普通股股東分享剩餘的資產。另見 Preferred ordinary share; Share。




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