

单词 Innocent
释义 無罪
Free from guilt or wrongdoing. ‘Innocent’ is not synonymous with ‘not guilty’; a jury may not be convinced that the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt, yet not be convinced of his or her innocence. An accused is innocent unless he or she performed the actus reus of an offence with the requisite mental element. The prosecution must establish beyond reasonable doubt the accused is not innocent. A defendant has a right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law: Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap 383) s 8 art 11(1); A-G of HK v Lee Kwong Kut & Ors [1993] 2 HKCLR 186 (PC). However, the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Hong Kong Bill of Rights are not absolute. A presumption may be compatible with art 11(1) if the prosecution establishes (i) that the matter presumed follows rationally and reasonably the facts proved and (ii) that the presumption is no more than proportionate to that which is warranted by the nature of the evil against which society requires protection: R v Sin Yau Ming [1992] 1 HKCLR 127 (CA); R v Wong Hiu Chor & Ors [1993] 1 HKCLR 107 (CA). See also Beyond reasonable doubt; Criminal responsibility; Doli incapax; Presumption of innocence.
沒有罪名或犯錯。「無罪」不等於「沒有犯罪」;陪審團可能不信納被控人在無合理疑點下有罪,但同時亦可不確信其無罪。除非被控人以某罪行所需的精神元素去履行該罪行的犯罪行為,否則會被視為「無罪」。控方必須證明在無合理疑點的情況下,被控人並非「無罪」。在被告人未經依法確定有罪以前,應假定其無罪:《香港人權法案條例》(第383章)第8條第11(1)法案;A-G of HK v Lee Kwong Kut & Ors [1993] 2 HKCLR 186(樞密院)。但由《香港人權法案》保證的權利及自由並非絕對,如控方證明(i)其推定的事項理智地及合理地緊隨已獲證明的事實;及(ii)社會須防範的罪惡所產生的有罪推定,與無罪推定相稱,則可有一項有罪推定與第11(1)條賦予的無罪推定並存:R v Sin Yau Ming [1992] 1 HKCLR 127(上訴法院);R v Wong Hiu Chor & Ors [1993] 1 HKCLR 107(上訴法院)。另見 Beyond reasonable doubt; Criminal responsibility; Doli incapax; Presumption of innocence.n.




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