

单词 Main undertaking
释义 主要業務
The dominant business activity or enterprise of a company, it can also refer to the property of a corporation, usually in the sense of all or substantially all of its property as a going concern: Re Panama, New Zealand and Australian Royal Mail Co (1870) 5 Ch App 318. It varies according to the circumstances and context in which the term is used. See also Business; Corporation; Memorandum of association.
某公司的主要商業活動或事業,亦可指法團的財產,通常指作為一個正在營運中的事業其所有或實質上所有的財產:Re Panama, New Zealand and Australian Royal Mail Co (1870) 5 Ch App 318。此詞的解釋根據使用的情況及文意而有不同。另見 Business; Corporation; Memorandum of association。




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