

单词 Without discount
释义 沒有折減
1. In relation to hire payments under a time charterparty, the absence of a reduction in the amount of hire for early payment: Compania Sud Americana de Vapores v Shipmair BV, The Teno [1977] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 289. 2. In relation to the price asked for the transfer of a negotiable instrument, the absence of a reduction of the face value of the instrument as a compensation to the purchaser for the risk that the instrument will not be met according to its terms when it falls due. 3. In relation to company law, the absence of a reduction in the valuation of shares due to the fact that it is a minority shareholding, in a petition of unfairly prejudicial conduct under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 168A. The correct course would be to fix the price pro rata according to the value of the shares as a whole and without any discount as being the only fair method of compensating an unwilling vendor of the equivalent of a partnership share: Re Fan Ling Theatre Ltd [1991] 1 HKC 362 (HC). See also Payment without discount.
1. 對於論時租約下的僱用支付,提前支付中不存在酬金減少:Compania Sud Americana de Vapores v Shipmair BV, The Teno [1977] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 289。  2. 對於轉讓可轉讓票據的價格,票據的票面價值不會減少,以就不能滿足期限的風險向買方作出補償。  3. 對於公司法,由於在根據《公司條例》(第32章)第168A條所提出的不公平損害作為呈請中為少數股權,則股份估值不會減少。正確的做法是,根據不含任何折扣的整體股份價值,按比例釐定價格,此乃補償不情願等價合股賣方的唯一公平方式:Re Fan Ling Theatre Ltd [1991] 1 HKC 362(高等法院)。另見 Payment without discount。




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