

单词 Restricted film classification
释义 限制的電影級別
A classification given by the Film Censorship Authority (ie the Commissioner for Television and Entertainment Licensing) to a film that is restricted for exhibition only to persons who have attained the age of 18: Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap 392) s 12. Also referred to as ‘Category III – Classification under section 12(1)(c)’. Such a film may have portrayed, depicted or treated cruelty, torture, violence, crime, horror, disability, sexuality or indecent or offensive language or behaviour or denigrated or insulted any particular class of the public by reference to the colour, race, religious beliefs or ethnic or national origins or the sex of the members of that class: s 10(2)(a), (b). See also Film classification.
由電影檢查監督(即影視及娛樂事務管理處處長)對電影釐訂的級別,受到限制的電影只准予年滿18歲的人士觀看:《電影檢查條例》(第392章)第12條。也稱為第三級:第12 (1)(c) 條。該影片可能有描繪、刻劃或表現殘暴、酷刑、暴力、罪惡、恐怖、殘疾、性事或不雅或令人厭惡的言語或行為;或該影片是否提及某一類公眾人士的膚色、種族、宗教信仰、民族來源、原屬國籍或性別,而以此污蔑或侮辱該類人士:第10(2)(a)及(b)條。另見 Film classification。




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