

单词 Restraint of marriage
释义 限制婚姻
An action calculated to prevent or discourage a person from marrying. A contract which is in general restraint of marriage is usually unenforceable: Lowe v Peers (1768) 4 Burr. 2225. In relation to gifts, a condition in general restraint of marriage can, in the nature of things, only be a condition subsequent, but the words used may be capable of being treated as words of limitation. If the condition shows an intention to restrain marriage it is void as being contrary to public policy: Fu Chuen Sang v Cheung Ching Tak [1961] HKLR 219. A condition that a widow does not marry again is a condition subsequent: Fu Chuen Sang v Cheung Ching Tak, supra. Although conditions subsequent in total restraint of marriage of a single woman are void, such a condition against the remarriage of the widow of a testator can be valid: Fu Chuen Sang v Cheung Ching Tak, supra. See also Condition subsequent; Public policy.
旨在阻止或阻攔某人結婚的行為。通常不可強制執行一般用以限制婚姻的合約:Lowe v Peers (1768) 98 ER 160。就饋贈而言,一般限制婚姻的條件在物件的性質而言只可以是後決條件,但所使用的字詞可被視為限制的字詞。如有關的條件顯示限制婚姻的意圖,該條件會因違反公共政策而無效:Fu Chuen Sang v Cheung Ching Tak [1961] HKLR 219。寡婦不可再婚的條件是後決條件:Fu Chuen Sang v Cheung Ching Tak,見上文。儘管完全限制未婚婦女結婚無效,此類針對立遺囑人的寡婦再婚的後決條件可以有效:Fu Chuen Sang v Cheung Ching Tak,見上文。另見 Condition subsequent; Public policy。




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