

单词 Loss of vessel clause
释义 損失船隻條款
1. A clause in a time charterparty setting out the consequences upon the actual or constructive loss, or missing of a ship, such as termination of the charterparty and cessation of hire payment: Baltime Charterparty cl 16, Shelltime 4 Charterparty cl 20 (1984). The loss of a ship will frustrate a time charterparty and the parties will be discharged from the obligation of further performance of the time charterparty, unless there is a clause providing for another ship as a substitute (substitution clause). 2. A clause contained in a bottomry bond under which, if the ship is lost, the money lent on the security of the ship and any interest accruing on it is not payable to the lender. Also known as ‘total loss clause’. See also Actual total loss; Bottomry; Demise charterparty.
1. 指在定期租船合約中的一項條款,列出實際或推定全損、或船隻失蹤,如租約終止及租用付款終止的後果:Baltime Charterparty cl 16, Shelltime 4 Charterparty cl 20 (1984)。船隻的損失會使定期租船合約受挫失效,定期租船合約中的各方就進一步執行的責任會被解除,除非有條款規定另一隻船隻可用作代替品(替代條款)。  2. 指船舶抵押借款擔保契據中包含的條款,指出當損失船隻後,因船隻所抵押的貨款及所累算的任何利益不能繳付予貸款人。另稱「全損條款」。另見 Actual total loss; Bottomry; Demise charterparty。




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