

单词 Magistrate
释义 裁判官
A judicial officer appointed by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR government as justice of the peace to hear and determine civil and criminal matters in magistrates’ court: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) s 5(1). All permanent magistrates are legally qualified and are usually appointed from lawyers having at least five years’ previous legal experience: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 8, Courts and Judicial System [125.249]. It includes a ‘permanent magistrate’ and a ‘special magistrate’: s 2. The difference between the two is that a ‘special magistrate’ may not possess any legal professional qualification and his powers are limited by the provisions in his warrant of appointment. A special magistrate may normally be assigned to hear ‘assembly line’ cases involving, for example, road traffic offences. Moreover, the sentencing power of a special magistrate in hearing indictable offences summarily is more restrictive than that of a permanent magistrate: s 91. See also Court of summary jurisdiction; Coroner; Legal practitioner; Magistracy; Magistrates’ court.
由香港特別行政區首長委任成為太平紳士,就民事及刑事案件在裁判法院作出聆訊及裁決的司法人員:《裁判官條例》(第227章)第5(1)條。所有常任裁判官均具法律專業資格,一般並為起碼具5年法律經驗的律師:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第8冊,法院及司法制度,第[125.249]段。裁判官包括「常任裁判官」及「特委裁判官」:第2條。兩者之間的分別為,「特委裁判官」不能擁有法律專業資格,而他的權力受其委任令狀的條文所限制。特委裁判官通常會被指派對「裝配線」案件,例如涉及道路交通罪行的案件作出聆訊。還有的是,特委裁判官對循簡易程序檢控的可公訴罪行之判刑權力與常任裁判官的比較起來,有較多的限制:第91條。另見 Court of summary jurisdiction; Coroner; Legal practitioner; Magistracy; Magistrates’ court.n.




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