

单词 Lump sum contract
释义 整筆付款合約
1. A building contract providing for payment of a stipulated sum for the work to be performed by the contractor. There are two types: one providing for adjustment of the agreed sum due to cost variations as the work progresses ‘rise and fall’; and one without provision for ‘rise and fall’ (fixed price contract’). A lump sum contract may provide for payment of the agreed sum by instalments, or for an adjustment of the agreed sum upon re-measurement on completion (‘provisional lump sum contract’). A contractor may receive more than the sum stipulated in the lump sum contract, due to variations in the work, delays in its execution, and increasing building costs. 2. Sometimes misleadingly used to refer to an entire contract, in which performance is a condition precedent to payment. 3. In the ordinary lump sum contract the employer cannot refuse to pay the contractor merely because there are a few defects and omissions: Hoenig v Isaacs [1952] 2 All ER 176 (CA). If there is substantial completion he must pay the contract price subject to a deduction by way of set-off or counterclaim for the defects: Yeung Wai Hon & Others v Ho & Partners Architects [2002] 2 HKLRD H1. See also Building contract; Condition precedent; Delay; Rise and fall clause; Variation of works.
1.某建築合約,規定就由承辦商所執行的工作而繳付的訂定款額。當中有兩個類型的合約:其中一種是規定隨著工作’升降’進行而更改成本而對已協議數目作出修改;另一種是沒有‘升降’條文的合約(臨時整筆付款合約)。承辦商可接受多於在整筆付款合約中訂定的數目,如出於工作的更改、延誤執行及增加建築成本。  2.有時候,被誤導性地使用以指出整份合約,而執行該份合約屬付款的先決條件。  3.在一般的整筆付款合約當中,僱主不得純粹因一些缺失及不作為而拒絕付款予承辦商:Hoenig v Isaacs [1952] 2 All ER 176(英國上訴法院)。如有實質的完工,該僱主必須付出合約的價格,但受以抵銷或反申索方式就缺失作出的申索的扣減所管限:Yeung Wai Hon & Others v Ho & Partners Architects [2002] 2 HKLRD H1。另見 Building contract; Condition precedent; Delay; Rise and fall clause; Variation of works。




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