

单词 Call
释义 催繳
In company law, a demand for payment of the amount or part of the amount which has not been paid or satisfied on a share, made by the company through its governing body upon its members prior to winding up, or by its liquidator when it is in the course of winding up: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong (1997 Ed) Vol 6, Companies and Corporations [95.0386]. Calls made prior to winding up are made, and payment of them is enforced, in pursuance of the power given by the company’s Articles of Association and in the manner therein provided: ibid [95.0388]. To regulate the making of calls: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) sch 1 table A arts 15-21. A demand for payment of a sum due under terms of allotment is not a call: Croskey v Bank of Wales (1963) 4 Giff 314; ibid [95.0386] note 1. See also Call on contributories; Capital; Limited company; No liability company; Partly-paid share.
在公司法中,就股票尚未支付或清償的款額或部分款額而作出的付款索求,在清盤之前,由公司透過其管治團體向其成員作出;而在清盤過程中,則由清盤人作出:Halsbury’s Law of Hong Kong (1997年版),第6冊,公司與法團,第[95.0386]段。在清盤前作出的「催繳」,是以公司的組織細則賦予的權力,及根據該組織細則列明的方式而作出:同上第[95.0388]段。有關作出催繳的規管:《公司條例》(第32章)附表1,A表第15-21條。就根據股份分配條款而到期的應繳款項所作的付款索求,不屬催繳:Croskey v Bank of Wales (1963) 4 Giff 314;同上第[95.0386]段附註1。另見 Call on contributories; Capital; Limited company; No liability company; Partly-paid share。n.




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