

单词 Dangerous slope
释义 危險斜坡

Any natural, formed or man-made land, or any earth-retaining structure, which has due to any cause been rendered so dangerous or liable to become so dangerous that it will collapse, or be likely to collapse, either totally or partially, and will cause, or will be likely to cause, a risk of injury to any person or damage to any property, declare the land or structure to be dangerous or liable to become dangerous. The Building Authority may by order in writing served on the owner of the land or structure, or on the person who under the terms of a Government lease is under an obligation to maintain the land or structure: Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) s 27A (1). The purchaser of a property may raise objection to title in that, apart from the Building Order, they might have a potential liability in the future to contribute to repairs to a slope that the Building Authority thought was dangerous. Where the investigation ordered by the Building Authority has not been completed and the results are not known at the time, it cannot be said that there is already a significant or substantial risk that the Building Authority should require further works to be done: Chow Hai Ping David & Anor v Lee ZZ Joseph & Ors [2001] 3 HKC 335. Also known as ‘dangerous hillside’.
凡建築事務監督認為任何天然、經平整或人工建築的土地或任何擋土構築物由於任何因由而變得危險或可變得危險,以致會或相當可能會整體或局部坍塌,因而會導致或相當可能會導致任何人受傷或任何財產損毀的危險,則可宣布該土地或構築物構成危險或可變得危險。建築事務監督可藉向有關土地或構築物的擁有人或根據政府租契條款有義務保養該土地或構築物的人送達的書面命令:《建築物條例》(第123章)第 27A (1)條。財產購買人可就業權提出反對,而除修葺令外,財產購買人在將來可能有分擔修葺建築事務監督認為危險的斜坡的潛在法律責任。如未能完成建築事務監督命令調查的工作,而在有關的時間未能知悉有關的結果,則不可稱經己有建築事務監督應要求作出進一步調查的重要或具關鍵性的危險:Chow Hai Ping David & Anor v Lee ZZ Joseph & Ors [2001] 3 HKC 335。另稱「危險山坡」。





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