

单词 Execute
释义 簽立
1. To make valid and complete by observing the necessary formal legal requirements. For example, to sign, seal and deliver a deed (Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 20(1)) or to sign and swear to a will before two witnesses (Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 5). ‘An executed document lacks nothing; it has all its blanks filled in making it physically complete’: J & S Holdings v NRMA Insurance (1981) 57 FLR 385. 2. To give effect to or to perform acts. For example, to carry out the terms of a contract or to enforce a judgment of the court. 3. An executor may also be said to execute a will by giving effect to its provisions. Rarely used in this sense. 4. In ordinary use, to put a sentenced person to death. See also Executor; Executory; Formalities; Sign.
1.藉遵從所需的正式法律規定使之成為有效及完成。例如簽署、蓋上印章及交付契約(《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第20(1)條)或簽署,並在兩名見證人面前宣誓(《遺囑條例》(第30章)第5條)。「任何已簽立的文件並不欠缺任何東西;即已填寫所有的空白處,使其實質上已完成」:J & S Holdings v NRMA Insurance (1981) 57 FLR 385。  執行 2. 使之生效或履行行為。例如履行合約條款或強制執行法庭判決。  3. 遺囑執行人可說是藉通過使條文生效而執行某遺囑。但很少作此用途。  4. 一般用法是指將被判形人士判處死刑。另見 Executor; Executory; Formalities; Sign。v.




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