

单词 Quia timet injunction
释义 預防性的禁制令
An injunction to secure the plaintiff against a future apprehended loss and to prevent or restrain an apprehended or threatened wrong and which would result in substantial damage if committed, in addition to remedies like injunction and appointment of a receiver: Re Anderson-Berry, Harris v Griffith [1928] Ch 290 (CA). Where a trespass is threatened, although not committed, the court may prevent it by quia timet injunction which may be mandatory: High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 17. In quia timet actions where monetary damages would suffice, such damages may be awarded in addition to or instead of an injunction: s 17. Where the threatened harm is not physical violence but damage or destruction of property, the plaintiff’s most appropriate action will be in the tort of intimidation: Srivastava and Tennekone The Law of Tort in Hong Kong (1995) p 439. See also Injunction.
一項禁制令,再加上如強制令及委任破產管理人的補救,它是要保護原告人不會遭受所擔心會發生的損失,及阻止或制止所擔心或被威脅會發生的過失,因為假如該過失發生將會引致重大損害。Re Anderson-Berry, Harris v Griffith [1928] Ch 290 (芵國上訴法院)。凡有威脅作出侵入,雖然未曾發生,法庭可以預防性的禁制令作出阻止,該禁制令可以是強制性的:《高等法院條例》(第4章)第17條。凡涉金錢性的損害賠償便以足夠的預防性禁制令訴訟,該損害賠償可在禁制令以外或代替禁制令判給:第17條。凡威脅作出的傷害並非針對人身的暴力,而是財產的損壞或毀滅,則對原告人最適當的行動會是恐嚇的侵權行為: Srivastava and Tennekone The Law of Tort in Hong Kong (1995年) 第 439頁。另見 Injunction。




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