

单词 Suspension of limitation period
释义 時效期限中止
The period where the time limit for bringing actions does not continue to run. At common law the right to bring an action could not be suspended by the act of the party, for, if the right was suspended, it was extinguished: Belshaw v Bush (1851) 11 CB 191. If, however, a negotiable instrument is taken in payment of a debt, the cause of action is suspended until dishonour: Marreco v Richardson [1908] 2 KB 584 (CA). See also Limitation period.
提出訴訟行動的時限期已停止。在普通法上,當事人的行為不可停止提出訴訟行動的權利,因如中止有關的權利,則該等權利便會終止:Belshaw v Bush (1851) 11 CB 191。 但如可轉讓票據被用作為債務款項,則會中止訴訟因由,直至不兌現為止:Marreco v Richardson [1908] 2 KB 584(英國上訴法院)。另見 Limitation period。




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