

单词 Registered design
释义 註冊外觀設計
A design that is registered with the Register of designs with approval by the Registrar of Designs. A registered design must comply with the formalities under the Registered Design Ordinance (Cap 522) in order to be considered a registered design: Registered Design Ordinance (Cap 522) s 25. Registered designs protect the appearance of new designs, and a basic requirement of which is novelty (s 5(2)). Hong Kong law recognises two types of registered designs: (1) those applied for and registered under the Registered Designs Ordinance, and (2) those deemed registered under the Ordinance. A registered design is personal property and vests by operation of law in the same way as any other personal property. A registered design and any right in or under it may be assigned (s 32), or mortgaged (s 33), provided that a co-owner may not, subject to agreement to the contrary, assign or mortgage a share in it without the consent of each of the other co-owners. See also Design; Design right; Register of designs.
在外觀設計註冊處處長批准下, 於外觀設計紀錄冊註冊的設計。已註冊的外觀設計必須遵守在《註冊外觀設計條例》(第522章)下訂明的規則,以符合註冊外觀設計的要求:《註冊外觀設計條例》(第522章) 第25條。註冊外觀設計保障新設計的外觀,而最基本的要求是其嶄新程度:第5(2)條。香港法例承認兩種註冊外觀設計:(1)《在註冊外觀設計條例》下應用及註冊的註冊外觀設計,和 (2) 在該條例下當作已註冊的註冊外觀設計。註冊外觀設計是非土地財產及與其他非土地財產以同樣的方式藉法律施行賦予。任何註冊外觀設計及任何註冊外觀設計的任何權利或在任何註冊外觀設計下的任何權利,均可予以轉讓:第32條、或按揭:第33條,但共同擁有人除附加相反的協議予以規限外,不可在沒有得到每名其共同擁有人的同意下轉讓或抵押其中的部分。另見 Design; Design right; Register of designs。




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