

单词 Antecedent crime
释义 過往犯的刑事罪
A prior punishable offence. An antecedent crime constitutes part of a person’s criminal history and is therefore relevant to show whether a later crime is an uncharacteristic aberration or reflective of a continuing disobedient attitude towards the law: R v Vy Van Kien & Anor [1991] 1 HKLR 422 (HC). But it is wrong in principle to sentence an accused for his record: R v Woo Kau (CACC 422/86, unreported); R v Ng Fung King [1993] 2 HKCLR 219 (CA). The accused should only be punished for the offence before the court: R v Cheung Man Kit (HCMA 379/93, unreported). See also Antecedent character; Antecedents; Conviction.
曾犯可懲罰罪行。過往犯的刑事罪屬於一個人犯罪實錄的一部分,有助顯示其後發生的罪行屬突然失常行為,或反映該人持續不服從法律的態度:R v Vy Van Kien & Anor [1991] 1 HKLR 422(高等法院)。因犯罪記錄而量刑原則上是錯誤的:R v Woo Kau(刑事上訴1986年第422號,未經彙報); R v Ng Fung King [1993] 2 HKCLR 219(上訴法院)。被告僅可在法庭就被判罪行受處罰:R v Cheung Man Kit (高院裁判法院上訴1993年第379號,未經彙報)。另見 Antecedent character; Antecedents; Conviction。




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