

单词 Basis clause
释义 基準條款
A clause by which the insured agrees to the truth or existence of specific matters forming the basis of the insurance contract between the parties. The basis clause makes the correctness of the proposal for insurance a condition of the contract, and incorporates the insured’s proposal into the contract. If the insured provides an incorrect answer, whether fraudulent, negligent or innocent and whether the answer is material or not, the insurer can avoid liability: Dawsons Ltd v Bonnin [1922] 2 AC 413 (HL). See also Insurance contract; Warranty.
作為合約條款的基準,藉著這條款,投保人同意構成締約人之間的保險合約基礎的明確事項是真實的或確實存在的。基準條款使保險建議的正確性成為合約中的條件,並且將受保人的提議納入合約之中。如受保人提供不正確的回答,不管是欺詐的,疏忽的,或無意的,又不管回答是否關鐽性的,承保人均可免除法律責任:Dawsons Ltd v Bonnin [1922] 2 AC 413(上議院)。另見 Insurance contract; Warranty。




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