

单词 Employment agency
释义 職業介紹所
Any person or body that assists people to find employment or other work, or assists employers to find employees or workers, whether for payment or not. A person who operates a business the purpose of which is to obtain employment for another person; or to supply the labour of another person to an employer, whether or not the person who operates the business will derive any pecuniary or other material advantage from either the employer or such other person: Employment Ordinance (Cap 57) s 50. In Hong Kong, no person shall operate, manage or assist in the management of an employment agency unless he is the holder of a licence or certificate of exemption issued in respect of the employment agency under the Employment Ordinance: s 51. In the context of anti-discrimination, it is unlawful for an employment agency to discriminate against a woman; against a person with a disability; or against a person who has family status; in the terms on which the agency offers to provide any of its services; by refusing or deliberately omitting to provide any of its services; or in the way it provides any of its services: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 480); Disability Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 487); Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 527). Employment agency means a person who, for profit or not, provides services for the purpose of finding employment for workers or supplying employers with workers: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 480) s 2. The services of an employment agency include guidance on careers and any other services related to employment: s 19. See also Employee; Employer; Employment.
指在不論其是否為牟利的情況下,協助別人尋求獲得僱傭或其他工作的人,或協助僱主尋找僱員或工作者的人。指為代人謀職;或向僱主供應別人的勞動力而經辦業務的人,而不論經辦該業務的人會否從有關僱主或別人得到任何金錢或其他物質利益:《僱傭條例》(第57章)第50條。除根據《僱傭條例》職業介紹所牌照或豁免證明書的持有人、或受僱於職業介紹所牌照或豁免證明書持有人的人外,任何人不得經辦、管理或協助管理職業介紹所:第51條。就反歧視的文意而言,任何職業介紹所如在其提供任何服務而提出的條款上,歧視一名女性、殘疾人士或任何具有家庭崗位的人;即拒絕提供或故意不提供其任何服務;或在提供其任何服務的方式上作出歧視的行為,即屬違法:《性別歧視條例》(第480章);《殘疾歧視條例》(第487章);《家庭崗位歧視條例》(第527章)。職業介紹所指提供服務以協助工作者謀求獲得僱用或向僱主提供工作者的人,不論其是否為牟利而提供該服務:《性別歧視條例》(第480章)第2條。職業介紹所的服務包括指職業輔導及任何其他與僱傭有關的服務:第19條。另見 Employee; Employer; Employment。




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