

单词 Basel concordat
释义 巴塞爾協定
An agreement, first formulated in 1975 and revised in 1983, by the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) that sets out the principles governing the supervision of banks’ foreign branches and representation by the parent and host authorities. The concordat deals with the responsibilities of the central bank of the host country as the prudential supervisor of the foreign bank’s branch or subsidiary. It is an attempt to achieve uniformity in banking standards. In June 1992, a supplemental directive on minimum standards for the supervision of international banking groups was issued. It provides that, for example, the creation of a cross-border banking establishment should receive prior consent of both the host country supervisory authority and the bank’s and, if different, the bank’s group’s home country supervisory authority. Although there seemed to be no problem in the case of merger between the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and the Midland Bank of the United Kingdom, difficulties might arise where the home authorities are different: Tokley I Hong Kong Banking Law and Practice (Butterworths, 1996 loose-leaf) Ch 1. Also known as ‘Basel Accord’. See also Bank for International Settlements; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; Prudential supervision.
國際結算銀行(BIS)於1975年制訂並於1983年修訂的協議,協議內列明規管監察銀行外地分行及控股公司和主管機構的代表的原則。《巴塞爾協定》處理有關國家的中央銀行作為外地銀行分行或附屬公司的審慎主管的責任。《巴塞爾協定》嘗試達致銀行標準的統一性。1992年6月,就監察國際銀行類別的最低標準,發出了補充的書面文件。例如規定在設立跨境的銀行機構前,應事先取取得有關國家的監察機構和有關銀行的同意(如有不同,則有關銀行類別d本國的監察機構)。儘管香港及上海匯豐銀行和芵國米特蘭銀行的合併看來沒有問題,但如本國的機構不同,則會產生問題: Tokley I Hong Kong Banking Law and Practice (Butterworths, 1996 loose-leaf)第 1章。另稱「巴塞爾資本協定」。另見 Bank for International Settlements; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; Prudential supervision。




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