

单词 Jury deliberations
释义 陪審員商議
The considerations by the jury of the charge or charges against an accused person to determine its verdict or verdicts after it has been asked by the trial judge to retire to consider its verdict at the completion of the evidence and the judge’s summing up: Bruce & McCoy Criminal Procedure Trial on Indictment (Butterworths) para [1452]. Once the jury has retired, they should be kept together by the sworn court officer and no one should be permitted to communicate with the jury: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 22. During deliberations, the jury may take with them into the jury room the indictment and all exhibits tendered and admitted in evidence during the trial. The jury should not be given statutes or material which were not produced in evidence in the trial: R v Fan Ping Sun [1986] HKC 358 (CA). During retirement, the jury should not normally be given copies of the summing up delivered by the judge: R v Yu Wai Chun (CACC 179/87, unreported). When the jurors are supplied with copies of relevant statutory provisions, the judges need to ensure that the jurors have received adequate directions that the same are not allowed to become more than a means of refreshing memory: Shing Siu Ming & Anor v HKSAR [1999] 4 HKC 452 (CFA); Bruce and McCoy Criminal Procedure Trial on Indictment (Butterworths) para [1502]. See also Delivery of verdict; Jury question; Summing up.
陪審團就某被告人的罪名作出的考慮,指完成提出所有證據及法官完成其總結詞後,主審法官要求陪審團告退後作出裁定有罪或無罪的考慮:Bruce and McCoy Criminal Procedure Trial on Indictment (Butterworths) 第[1452]段。一旦陪審團告退,則須由某名經宣誓的法庭人員將他們集中在一起,並不會容受任何人接觸陪審團:《陪審團條例》(第3章)第22條。在退庭商議期間,陪審團可帶同公訴書及在審訊中已提交的所有證物及獲接納的證據進入陪審團議事室。陪審團不得接受法規或在審訊期間沒有提交的證據資料:R v Fan Ping Sun [1986] HKC 358 (上訴法院)。在退庭期間,通常不會把法官宣告的總結詞交付給陪審團:R v Yu Wai Chun(刑事上訴1987年第179號,未經彙報)。當將有關的法規條文副本交予陪審員,法官須確保陪審員接收足夠的指引,該等副本不得用作除了恢復記憶外的用途:Shing Siu Ming & Anor v HKSAR [1999] 4 HKC 452 (終審法院);Bruce and McCoy Criminal Procedure Trial on Indictment (Butterworths) 第[1502]段。另見 Delivery of verdict; Jury question; Summing up。




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