

单词 Jury panel
释义 陪審員小組
The group of potential jurors summoned by the Registrar from the jury roll or list for the purposes of a particular trial or particular sittings of the court and from which the particular jurors will be chosen by ballot or random selection after the accused has been arraigned: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) ss 13(1), 21. A juror can seek to be excused from serving as a juror on any trial or for any period: s 28. See also Arraignment; Jury ballot.
就法庭中某特定審訊或特定聆訊的目的,司法常務官從陪審團登記冊或名單中召集的一組準陪審員,在被告公訴提控後須以抽籤或任何其他隨機抽選的辦法選出特定的陪審員:《陪審團條例》(第3章)第13條 (1)、第21條。任何陪審員可申請豁免就任何審訊出席作陪審員,或豁免出席作陪審員一段時期:第28條。另見 Arraignment; Jury ballot。




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